Ease to loosen or let out
EBB A receeding current
EC East Coast, European Comunity or European Commission
ECDIS electronic chart display and information system
ECS electronic chart system
EEC European Economic Community.
EEZ exclusive economic zone
EIU Even If Used
ELVENT Electric Ventilation
EN European Standard
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ENC electronic navigation chart
ENGINE DEPARTMENT (Q.M.E.D.) Trained in All crafts necessary to engine maintenance (welding, refrigeration, lathe operation, die casting, electricity, pumping, water purification, oiling, evaluating engine gauges, etc.) usually watchstanders but on some ships day workers.
ENTRY a customs form used for the clearance of ships or merchandise.
EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System
EPIRB emergency position indicating radio beacon
EPSÂ IMO performance standard for ECDIS
EQUIPMENT (LINERS) Maintains and repairs cargo handling equipment and Also cargo with Special handling characteristics.
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETC Estimated Time of Completion
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ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETS Estimated Time of Sailing
ETSFÂ Electronic Trading Stasndard Format
ETSI European Telecommunications
EU European Union
EUSC Effective U.S. Control.
EVEN KEEL when the draft of a ship fore and aft are the same.
EXIMBANK Export-Import Bank: a Federal Agency that aids in financing exports of U.S. goods and services through direct loans, loan guarantees, and insurance.
EXW Ex Works
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