IACS International Association of Classification Societies
IADC International Association of Ddrilling Contractors
IAIN International Association of Institutes of Navigation
IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
IAPH International Association of Ports and Harbors
IASST International Association for Sea Survival Training
IBC Code International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk, IMO
IBCS Integrated bridge control system
IBIA International Bunker Industry Association Ltd
ICAB International Cargo Advisory Bureau
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ICHCA International Cargo Handling Coordination Association
ICS International Chamber of Shipping: Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers: international code of signals
ICW Intercoastal Waterway : bays, rivers, and canals along the coasts (such as the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts), connected so that vessels may travel without going into the sea
IFO Intermediate Fuel Oil
IFSMA International Federation of Ship Masters' Associations
IFTPA International Forest Product Transport Association
IGC Code International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk,IMO
IGO inter-governmental organisation
IGS inert gas system
IHB International Hydrographic Bureau
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IHMA International Harbour Masters' Association
IHO International Hydrographic Organisation
IICL Institute of International Container Lessors
IIMS International Institute of Marine Surveyors
ILO International Labor Organization; Based in Geneva, it is one of the oldest components of the UN system of specialized agencies and has been involved over the years in appraising and seeking to improve and regulate conditions for seafarers.
IMarE Institute of Marine Engineers
IMB International Maritime Bureau
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMF International Monetary Fund.
IMLA International Maritime Lecturers Association
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IMO International Maritime Organization: Formerly known as the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO), was established in 1958 through the United Nations to coordinate international maritime safety and related practices.
IMPA International Maritime Pilots' Association
IMPA International Marine Purchasing Association
IN &/OR OVER Goods carried below and/or on deck
In Irons having turned onto the wind or lost the wind, stuck and unable to make headway
INBOARD More toward the center of a vessel; inside; a motor fitted inside a boat.
INCOTERMS (Refer to comments in covering statement on front page A-F)
IND Indication
INERT GAS SYSTEM A system of preventing any explosion in the cargo tanks of a tanker by replacing the cargo, as it is pumped out, by an inert gas, often the exhaust of the ship's engine. Gas-freeing must be carried out subsequently if worker have to enter the empty tank
INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS Liquids liable to spontaneous combustion which give off inflammable vapors at or below 80 degrees F. For example, ether, ethyl, benzine, gasoline, paints, enamels, carbon disulfide, etc.
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INLAND WATERS term referring to lakes, streams, rivers, canals, waterways, inlets, bays and the like.
INLS-code International Noxious Liquid Substances
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite System.
Inmarsat International Marine Satellite Organisation
INTEGRATED TUG BARGE A large barge of about 600 feet and 22,000 tons cargo capacity, integrated from the rear on to the bow of a tug purposely constructed to push the barge.
Intercargo International Association fo Dry Cargo Shipowners
INTERCOASTAL domestic Shipping routes serving More than one coast.
INTERMODAL Carriage of a commodity by different modes of transport, i.e. sea, road, rail and air within a single journey
INTERMODALISM the concept of transportation as a door-to-door service rather than port-to-port. thus efficiency is enhanced by having a single carrier coordinating the movement and documentation among different modes of Transportation.
INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINE CERTIFICATE A certificate which gives details of a ship's freeboards and states that the ship has been surveyed and the appropriate load lines marked on her sides. This certificate is issued by a classification society or the Coast Guard.
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INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION COMPENSATION FUND An inter-governmental agency designed to pay compensation for oil pollution damage, exceeding the shipowner's liability. It was created by an IMO Convention in 1971 and started its operations in October 1978. Contributions come mainly from the oil compa
INTERNATIONAL TONNAGE CERTIFICATE a certificate issued to a shipowner by a government department in the case of a ship whose Gross and net tonnages have been determined in accordance with the International convention of tonnage measurement of ships. the certificate States the Gross and net tonnages together with details of the spaces attributed to each.
INTERNATIONAL WATERWAYS Consist of international straits, inland and interocean canals and rivers where they separate the territories of two or more nations. Provided no treaty is enforced both merchant ships and warships have the right of free and unrestricted navigation through these waterways.
INTERTANKO (International Association of Independent Tanker Owners) An association of independent tanker owners whose aims are to represent the views of its members internationally.
INTRACOASTAL domestic shipping routes along a single coast.
INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY ICW: bays, rivers, and canals along the coasts (such as the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts), connected so that vessels may travel without going into the sea.
IOLT Institute of Logistics and Transport
IOPC International Oil Pollution Fund
IS information systems
ISDN integrated services digital network
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ISDP integrated ship design and production
ISF International Shipping Federation
ISGOTT International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
ISM Code International Safety Management Code, IMO
ISMA International Ship Managers' Association
ISO International Standards Organisation
ISSA International Ship Supplies Association
ISSN international standard serial number
ISU International Salvage Union
IT information technology
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ITF International Transport Workers Federation (Trade Unions). Complies on crewing
ITINERARY Route.Schedule
ITOPF International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation
IU If Used
IUA International Underwiting Association
IUHTAUTC If Used, Half Time Actually To Count
IWL Institute Warranty Limits