P & I Protection and indemnity insurance
P and I (P&I) club protection and indemnity club
P&I Protection and Indemnity Insurance
P.L. 480 Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954.
P.L. 664 Mandates that 50 percent of government impelled cargoes be carried under U.S. flag. Known as the 50/50 shipping law.
Painter a line tied to the bow of a small boat for the purpose of securing it to a dock or to the shore
PALLET A flat tray, generally made of wood but occasionally of steel, on which goods particularly those in boxes, cartons or bags, can be stacked. Its purpose is to facilitate the movement of such goods, mainly by the use of forklift trucks.
PANAMAX A vessel designed to be just small enough to transit the Panama Canal
Panamax Market category of ships notionally within the limit for transit of the Panama Canal.
PASSENGER SHIP A passenger ship that its authorized to carry over twelve passengers.
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PC personal computer
PC Period of Charter
PCGO Part Cargo
PCT Percent
PDPR Per Day Pro Rata
Pennant a triangular flag
PER CONTAINER RATE rates and/or changes on shipments transported in containers or trailers and rated on the basis of the category of the container or trailer.
PER SE By Itself
PERDIEM By the Day
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PERSONAL FLOATATION DEVICE approved floats meant as life preservers and carried on board American ships.
PFD position fixing device, personal floatation device
PHPD Per Hatch Per Day
PIANC Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
PIER a loading platform extending at An angle from the shore.
PILE A wood, metal or concrete pole driven into the bottom. Craft may be made fast to a pile; it may be used to support a pier (see PILING) or a float.
PILING Support, protection for wharves, piers etc.; constructed of piles (see PILE)
PILOT A person who is qualified to assist the master of a ship to navigate when entering or leaving a port.
PILOT HOUSE the enclosed space on the navigating bridge from which a ship is Controlled when under way.
PILOTAGE the act carried out by a pilot of assisting the Master of a ship in Navigation when entering or leaving a port. Sometimes used to define the fee payable for the services of a pilot.
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PILOTAGE DUES A fee payable by the owner or operator of a ship for the services of a pilot. This fee is normally based on the ship's tonnage.
PILOTING Navigation by use of visible references, the depth of the water, etc.
Pinch to sail as close as possible towards the wind
PLANING a boat is said to be planing when it is essentially moving Over the top of the water rather than through the water.
PLANING HULL a type of hull shaped to glide easily across the water at high speed.
PLB personal locator beacon
PMA Pacific Maritime Association.
PMS planned maintenance system
POB pilot on board/persons on board
Point to turn closer towards the wind (point up)
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POOLING the sharing of cargo or the profit or loss from freight by member lines of a liner conference. Pooling arrangements do Not exist in All conferences.
PORT The left side of a ship looking forward. A harbour.
Port the left side of the boat
PORT the left side of a boat looking forward. a harbor.
Port CIP Contracts with berth CIP. NOR can be given when within commercial limits of the port
Port tack sailing with the wind coming from the port side, with the boom on the starboard side
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PR-17 Public Resolution which requires that U.S. Government financed cargoes (Eximbank) must be shipped 100% in U.S. flag ships, but that the requirement may be waived up to 50% in some cases.
PRATIQUE Licence or permission to use a port
Preamble Introduction to a Charter Party
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PREAMBLE Introduction to a charter party
PRIVELEGED VESSEL A vessel which, according to the applicable Navigation Rule, has right-of-way (this term has been superseded by the term "stand-on").
PRODUCT CARRIER A tanker which is generally below 70,000 deadweight tons and used to carry refined oil products from the refinery to the consumer. In many cases, four different grades of oil can be handled simultaneously.
PROFORMA Estimated Account
Proforma Acc Estimated account
PROPANE CARRIER A ship designed to carry propane in liquid form. The propane is carried in tanks within the holds; it remains in liquid form by means of pressure and refrigeration. Such ships are also suitable for the carriage of butane.
PSC port state control
PUMPMAN (TANKERS) Operates pumps and discharges Petroleum products. Maintains and repairs All cargo handling equipment.
PURSER A ship's officer who is in charge of accounts, especially on a passenger ship.
PUS Plus Us
PV pressure/vacuum,prime vertical
PWWD Per Weather Working Day
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