WAKE moving waves, track or path that a boat leaves behind it, when moving across the waters.
WATCH the day at Sea is divided into six four hour periods. Three groups of watchstanders are on duty for four hours and then off for eight, then back to duty. seamen often work overtime during their off time.
WATERLINE A line painted on a hull which shows the point to which a boat sinks when it is properly trimmed (see BOOT TOP).
WAY movement of a vessel through the water such as headway, sternway or leeway.
WCCON Whether Customs Cleared Or Not
Weather Permitting That time during which weather that prevents working shall not count as laytime
WEND World Electronic Navigation Database
Whisker pole a light spar which holds the jib out when sailing downwind
WHO World Health Organisation
WIBON Whether In Berth Or Not
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WIFPON Whether In Free Pratique Or Not
Winch a metal drum shaped device used to assist in trimming sails
WINDWARD Toward the direction from which the wind is coming
WIPERS Apprentice QMED. Cleans engine room. Assists officers and QMED's.
WIPON Whether In Port Or Not
WL water line
WLTOHC Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming
WMO World Meteorological Organisation
WMU World Maritime University
WOG Without Guarantee
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WORLDSCALE An index representing the cost of time chartering a tanker for a specific voyage at a given time. The index is given at Worldscale 100, which represents the price in dollars per ton for carrying the oil at that rate. The negotiated rate will be some per
WP Weather Permitting. That time during which weather prevents working shall not count as laytime
WPD Weather Permitting Day
WRIC Wire Rods In Collis
WT watertight
WW Weather working
WWD Weather Working Day
WWR When, Where Ready
WWW world wide web (Internet facility)
WWWW Wibon, Wccon, Wifpon, Wipon
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